
New law to deter minors from obtaining and drinking alcohol

17:56 pm on 1 October 2012

Parents, guardians and other adults in the Northern Marianas who are caught allowing people aged under 21 to consume alcohol can now face a fine of up to a thousand US dollars under a new law.

The new law was signed by the CNMI Governor Benigno Fitial last week.

According to the Saipan Tribune, the law calls for changes to the format of drivers' licenses and municipal identification issued to deter retailers from selling alcohol to minors.

The author of the bill, Representative Edmund Villagomez says under-age drinking is an issue faced by communities throughout the CNMI and different agencies and organisations are working together to address it.

Under the new law any minor who tries to purchase alcoholic beverages can now by fined up to a thousand dollars or face up to one year in prison.