Wednesday's newspaper headlines

09:55 am on 20 October 2010

Despair for couple caught in baby scam; Canterbury aftershock frays nerves; Matamata horse breeder Greg Meads found guilty of the murder of his wife.

NZ Herald

There's been a guilty verdict in the case of horse breeder and racing personality Greg Meads, charged with murdering his wife Helen in Matamata last year. Mrs Meads family have told the paper they're pleased with the verdict, with the sentencing to take place in December.

A man described as a humble and hard-working pig hunter from Papakura went to work and waited six hours on Monday before telling his wife he'd won $28 million in New Zealand's biggest single Lotto win. He has now officially been declared the winner after collecting his prize from Lotto headquarters in Wellington.

Dominion Post

The paper tells the unusual tale of how a New Zealand couple, desperate for a baby, sent sperm in a frozen container and thousands of dollars in cash to a stranger in the United States - but their supposed surrogate mother was a fake.

The couple from Helensville, near Auckland, had signed a contract with Audry Magallon of Oregon after meeting her online. She has now been arrested for theft.

The Press

The front page is devoted to the aftershock in Canterbury on Tuesday that frayed nerves, cut power and closed Christchurch businesses and schools. GNS Science says the 5.0 magnitude quake that struck at 11.32am was the ninth-biggest in terms of energy released since the 4 September quake.

Otago Daily Times

The paper says Canterbury residents could still be experiencing aftershocks a year from now.

Failed South Canterbury Finance is in the Serious Fraud Office's sights after the SFO launched an investigation into related party transactions which may not have been disclosed to the Government.

And the arrival of the Sapphire Princess on Tuesday marked the beginning of Dunedin's biggest cruise-ship season and provided a welcome boost for retailers.