
Fiji court martial hears of betrayal and duplicity by military spy

08:32 am on 19 February 2005

A court martial in Fiji has been told of betrayal and duplicity by an army intelligence operative during the coup.

Lance Corporal Lagilagi Vosabeci is on trial charged with mutiny, wrongful confinement of the Chaudhry government and misprision of treason.

Giving evidence for the prosecution, a fellow army intelligence agent, Lance Corporal Epeli Gaunavouivuda, told the military court that Vosabeci had told him that he had prior knowledge of the coup 8 hours before it happened.

The witness said on the 19th of May 2000 Vosabeci was ordered to maintain surveillance on nationalist marchers in Suva and report back to the army.

Instead, he joined the rebels in parliament and spent the next 56 days typing messages on the computer for George Speight and sending his faxes.

The court martial continues next week.