The Wireless

Vox pops: How to get more people voting?

10:17 am on 25 September 2014

Not knowing, not understanding and not caring are some of the reasons people opt not to vote.

Despite high-profile attempts to get people under 30 to vote in this year’s election  including media and social media campaigns, apps and even a push from Lorde – over 185,000 under 30s were still not enrolled five days before the election.

One idea, from Karaka 16-year-old Louise McNally, is to have all schools elect classroom leaders to get students interested in the political process.

Her argument has won her a national essay competition, run by the Association former Members of Parliament.

“It seems that in this world, democracy is either taken away or taken for granted. The disappointing turnout of New Zealand’s last general election demonstrates the irony that, although millions of people have died, are dying and will die for the right to freedom of speech and choice, those lucky enough to have it do not necessarily exercise it,” she wrote.

LISTEN Louise McNally’s interview on Radio New Zealand and READ her essay.

The Wireless took to the streets of Wellington to get some other ideas about how to get more people voting:

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