
Little to consult Australian-based Ngāpuhi over Treaty settlement

16:19 pm on 22 September 2018

The Treaty Negotiations Minister is in Australia this weekend to talk to Ngāpuhi members about their Treaty settlement.

Andrew Little

Andrew Little will be meeting with Ngāpuhi members in Australia. Photo: RNZ / Richard Tindiller

Negotiations between Ngāpuhi members and the previous government broke down over who had the right to represent New Zealand's largest iwi, and the Minister, Andrew Little, has been trying to resolve the dispute.

He has spoken at several hui in Northland already, but it is believed to be the first time Australian-based iwi will be consulted over a Treaty settlement.

Mr Little said there were about 25,000 Ngāpuhi people living in Australia, mainly in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth, and he would hold hui in each of those cities.

"I think in the circumstances it's necessary to make sure that everybody hears what's on the table and be part of the decision about making the next step."

He said he wanted to make sure all Ngāpuhi members had the chance to get involved in the discussions.