Election 2008

Hide says he'll keep wearing yellow jacket despite complaint

14:42 pm on 5 November 2008

ACT Party leader Rodney Hide says he is continuing to campaign wearing his trademark yellow jacket, despite a complaint that a label sewn onto it may breach election advertising rules.

The Electoral Commission has asked Mr Hide for his views on the jacket, following an objection to it from a member of the public.

Mr Hide's yellow jacket and his signwritten micro car have become his trademark around the Epsom electorate, which he hopes to retain.

The Electoral Commission says a member of the public made contact last week following up a three-month-old complaint which the commission said it could not find on record.

The jacket itself is not a problem but Mr Hide says he had always known that the label on it which carries the ACT logo and the slogan "The guts to do what's right" may have breached rules requiring advertising to carry a party authorisation.

The commission says it has made no ruling yet on the complaint, and Mr Hide says he will continue to wear the jacket, with the label.