
PNA meets and considers tuna conservation measures

16:29 pm on 12 March 2014

The Parties to the Nauru Agreement have begun their annual negotiations today in Solomon Islands, and new ideas to limit fish aggregation devices are on the agenda.

As a conservation measure, they have agreed to take another 8000 days from the Total Allowable Effort, but conservation groups say the deadly by-catch of juvenile fish and other species also needs to be cut.

The Permanent Secretary of the Tuvalu Ministry of Natural Resources, Kakee Kaitu, who is chairing the meetings, says much has been achieved but they need to keep improving.

"We had an agreement before - three month's closure, our additional month, but there are also new ideas on how to deal with the FADs that are coming up, which is still under discussion, and will need to be improved as we go along."

Kakee Kaitu.