Bay of Plenty iwi Ngati Whakahemo is taking High Court action against the sale of farmlands it says it has mana whenua rights to.
State-owned farmer Landcorp put the sale of the Pukehina farms on hold late last year to allow local iwi Ngati Makino and neighbouring tribes a chance to make an offer.
Mita Ririnui, who is runanga chair of neighbouring iwi Ngati Whakahemo, said it walked away from the negotiations because Ngati Makino only gave it a minor say.
He says he found no offer had been made and the land was up for sale to the highest bidder, which he believed to be a local family.
Ngati Whakahemo's solicitors have filed an application for an injunction in the High Court at Wellington to put a stop to the sale.
Mr Ririnui said Ngati Whakahemo has rights to the land and is awaiting a Waitangi Tribunal hearing to verify that.