Te Ao Māori

New funding for Maori projects

06:48 am on 25 September 2014

New funding has been granted for four Māori science projects, including making Taranaki rivers cleaner and self-sustaining energy at Parihaka.

Some $640,000 of funding from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment will allow researchers from Massey University working with iwi and Maori organisations to undertake unique research in different areas of science.

One fisheries project will get $180,000 over 21 months, to find new ventures and engage further scientific expertise to develop new fisheries products and markets.

Another in the Far North will help create an environmental research strategy, including an approach to environmental rejuvenation and sustainability.

And $180,000 of putea (funding) will go into work with the Parihaka community to start a science and technology model to create self-sustainable energy.