New Zealand / Canterbury

Police complete inquiry into CTV collapse

18:15 pm on 16 December 2016

The police investigation into the collapse of the Canterbury Television (CTV) building has been completed, but no decision will be made about prosecutions until next year.

The ruins of the CTV building

Search and Rescue teams at the site of the CTV building in February 2011. Photo: AFP

The six-storey Christchurch office block collapsed during the February 2011 earthquake, killing 115 people.

Detective Superintendent Peter Read said the investigation was with the Crown Solicitor. It would undergo a further legal review before police made a final decision on charges.

He said he was mindful of the length of time the process was taking, and the effect this had on families of the CTV victims.

Mr Read could not put a timeframe on when the decision would be announced, other than it would be in 2017.

Families would be told first, then the decision would be made public.

An Earthquakes Royal Commission found the CTV building, designed by Dr Alan Reay's company, should not have been issued a building permit and the design was deficient in several ways.

The building was given a green sticker after the September earthquake, even though an engineer had not assessed it.