
Solomons MP Hatimoana dies of pneumonia

13:52 pm on 22 April 2014

The General Secretary of the Solomon Islands National Teachers Association has paid tribute to his predecessor, Johnley Tekiou Hatimoana, who died of severe pneumonia aged 58.

Mr Hatimoana, who had become an opposition member of parliament in a by-election last year, attended a sitting on Thursday but fell ill and died a day later in hospital.

Samson Faisi says Mr Hatimoana was a fierce unionist and talented negotiator.

"He has offered a lot to the teachers welfare and condition of services. The relevelling issue the cost of living as well as the new structure of long service benefits that is across the board for all government officers, Johnley was a main player in all those negotiations. Teachers and public servants in the country, they have lost a great unionist who can fight for their welfare and also their conditions of services."

A funeral service is planned for this morning after which his body will be flown to his home province, Rennell and Bellona, where he will be laid to rest.

He is survived by his wife and four children.