
As rain falls, calls for action at Solomons Mine

14:29 pm on 3 February 2015

Landowners in Solomon Islands living below the country's closed Gold Ridge Mine are calling for swift action to drain the mine's tailings dam as heavy rains continue.

The chairperson of the Gold Ridge Community and Land Owners Council, Dick Douglas, says the dam's walls are holding but he says the government and Australian mine owner St Barbara need to get their act together and start the de-watering process.

" The only thing we really need is the treatment plant to treat the water into the river. And the people living down below from from the tailings dam so, very concerned of the heavy rainpour during this season "

The chairperson of the Gold Ridge Community and Land Owners Council, Dick Douglas

In recent months, St Barbara has been calling on the government to approve its de-watering process to no avail.

The Australian miner says their will minimise the flood and environmental risks to communities living downstream from the mine.