
Referendum organiser wants "personal audience" with PM

11:59 am on 27 August 2009

The organiser of the anti-smacking referendum wants a "personal audience" with Prime Minister John Key.

In an open letter, Larry Baldock says he is speaking for the 88% of voters who said a smack as part of good parental correction, should not be a criminal offence.

In his letter, Mr Baldock claims Mr Key's door has been open to the anti-smacking lobby. He wants to meet the Prime Minister personally to express his views.

National and Labour have declared they will block a pro-smacking bill, drawn in the name of ACT MP John Boscawen.

The Office of the Prime Minister says Mr Baldock is welcome to his views, but the Government is maintaining its stance that the law will be changed only if there's proof good parents are being criminalised.