Pacific / Solomon Islands

Police: Nothing suspicious about AFP staff in Bougainville

19:09 pm on 10 June 2019
A lake in the pit of the long defunct Panguna mine in Bougainville.

A lake in the pit of the long defunct Panguna mine in Bougainville. Photo:

Bougainville deputy police commissioner, Chief Inspector Francis Tokura, says there is nothing suspicious about the presence there of Australia Federal Police last week.

There had been a call from the chair of a group called the Bougainville Hardliners, James Onartoo, who said the government in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province needs to explain what these police were up to.

Mr Onartoo says the AFP officers and civilian staff appeared to be taking GPS readings at the the site of the controversial Panguna mine site in central Bougainville.

But Mr Tokura says they were there as part of preparations for the international police support team that will be in Bougainville at the time of its referendum on independence in October.

That mission, to be led by New Zealand, will also include police from Fiji, Solomon Islands and Australia.