
Continuing low academic performance in Marshalls

07:24 am on 8 September 2014

Results recently released reveal the performance of Marshall Islands schools in most grades has either remained the same or got worse.

That's despite a target for academic improvement of five percent.

The Marshall Islands national student test have been released by the Minister of Education, Hilda Heine, and indicate only one of five grades tested showed significant improvement.

The Ministry analysed the test results to determine the number of students at or above their grade level, who are considered proficient.

Only eighth graders showed a 2 point 7 percent improvement in proficiency, changing from 37.5 percent in 2013 to 40.2 percent this past school year.

At the start of the this school year, Dr Heine urged public school principals and teachers to aim for a five percent improvement in all schools.

But delivery on this target continues to be hampered by hundreds of unqualified teachers in public elementary schools.