Pacific / Papua New Guinea

PNG's 'father of the nation' farewells parliament

20:31 pm on 4 April 2017

Papua New Guinea's former prime minister Sir Michael Somare was given a standing ovation today as he gave his farewell speech to parliament.

Sir Michael Somare (with walking stick) is congratulated by Peter O'Neill and other MPs on his last attendance in Papua New Guinea's parliament, 4 April 2017.

Sir Michael Somare (centre, red tie) is congratulated by Peter O'Neill and other MPs on his last attendance in the Papua New Guinea parliament, 4 April 2017. Photo: Supplied

Sir Michael and other MPs gathered for the conclusion of PNG's ninth parliament before it adjourned for the general elections in late June.

Having served this last five-year parliament term as East Sepik Governor after his ousting as prime minister in 2011, Sir Michael is one of the longest serving parliamentarians in the Pacific.

Today, 4 April, marks exactly 49 years since Sir Michael first entered the House of Assembly in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea as a politician.

In his speech, Sir Michael, who turns 81 this week, said it had been a privilege to have served the people of Papua New Guinea.

"I practise national unity and I am proud to be called the father of the nation," said the man known in PNG as the 'Grand Chief'.

Highly respected throughout the Pacific Islands region, Sir Michael was instrumental in ushering PNG to independence from Australia in 1975, upon which he served as the country's first prime minister.

He told those assembled at parliament that the drive to gain independence was about proving PNG's indigenous people could rule themselves.

"I chose a life of challenges and service to my people; I always respect the true meaning of public service. It started as teacher, later on an information officer, a broadcast officer which gave the platform to convince the territory that we must become a country, not a dependent but a self- governing country," he said.

Papua New Guinea's Michael Somare (centre) is one of the Pacific Islands region's longest serving and most respected leaders. Here he is flanked on the left by Kanak leader Victor Tutugoro and to the right by French Polynesia's Oscar Temaru, in Noumea, 2013.

Papua New Guinea's Michael Somare (centre) is one of the Pacific Islands region's longest serving and most respected leaders. Here he is flanked on the left by Kanak leader Victor Tutugoro and to the right by French Polynesia's Oscar Temaru, in Noumea, 2013. Photo: RNZI / Johnny Blades

Sir Michael Somare served as PNG prime minister in three separate stints, spanning a total of sixteen years.

He was controversially ousted as prime minister in 2011 when parliamentarians declared his seat vacant on account of his prolonged absense due to ill-health.

The ousting, and subsequent election of Peter O'Neill as prime minister, was later ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

However Sir Michael was effectively blocked by parliament's majority at the time from taking up his position again.

His re-election to parliament in the 2012 general elections was seen as vindication, and a sign of his huge popularity with people in his native East Sepik province and also all across PNG.

As one of the men who drew up PNG's constitution, Sir Michael spoke in his speech about the importance of supporting PNG's democratic institutions.

He challenged politicians to give prominence to issues of national interest rather than self-interest, and to respect parliament.

"I pray that Members of Parliament are present when parliament is in session so our people's challenges are discussed, and Standing Orders must be followed."

Sir Michael Somare addresses the crowd at an election campaign rally in East Sepik, June 2012. Photo: RNZI / Johnny Blades

"When we swore to the Bible at the Government House, we are promising that we are the servant to the people, it is important to be fit and healthy in this house, to know the importance of parliamentary systems," he said.

Formerly a radio broadcaster before he entered parliament, Somare forged a reputation as a charismatic leader with the gift of being able to connect with people where ever he went.

Sir Michael has been married to Veronica since 1965; they have six children.

"I am a man of principle, rules determine my conduct throughout my life, and I am blessed with a woman who has been my friend and guide since we were both young," he said.

Peter O'Neill also gave a speech at parliament in which he paid tribute to Sir Michael's guidance of PNG from being a colony to an independent state.

"He fought against intolerance and doubt, often based on racial bias, and told the world that Papua New Guinea could and would become an Independent State," said Mr O'Neill.

"His position was supported by so many eminent people of our nation, and he turned that support into a plan for independence."

Mr O'Neill said while he and Sir Michael did not always see eye to eye politically, he was grateful for the opportunity and grounding that the experience of working under the Grand Chief gave him.

When he speaks, people listen: Papua New Guineans attend a campaign rally held by Sir Michael Somare. Photo: RNZI / Johnny Blades

On behalf of all PNG MPs, Mr O'Neill expressed gratitude and best wishes to Lady Veronica, thanking her for her support for Sir Michael right throughout his long career in parliament.

"I also thank his children who have supported him, and contributed in their own way, to our nation and our community."

"We will miss his wisdom and knowledge, and the experience that can only come from forty-nine years of elected service," Mr O'Neill told parliament.

Before he drew the curtain on the Pacific's most remarkable political career, Sir Michael gave a message to young people of his country.

"To this generation of Papua New Guinea, I thank you all for your love and protection, I gave my best years to this country by serving as a politician, I hope each one of you will also contribute to our country."