
Australia withdraws funding from Fiji's election office

07:39 am on 1 June 2009

Australia has withdrawn funding for a key position in Fiji's elections office.

The position of Supervisor of Elections has been made redundant following the cancellation of the constitution last month.

The ABC says the Australian Government formally notified Fiji's Public Service Commission on May 13 that it has stopped salary supplementation support for the position.

The Australian High Commission in Fiji says the government made the decision after Fiji's President abrogated the 1997 Constitution and revoked all constitutionally appointed positions.

This includes the supervisor's role.

The interim Fiji Government says elections will not be held until as late as 2014.

Australia says it remains willing to provide considerable assistance with elections preparations in Fiji.

Btu this is provided the Fiji Government is able to demonstrate a genuine commitment towards free and fair elections at an early date.