New Zealand / Transport

Commuters should have been told of Mt Eden Station closure earlier - AA

15:54 pm on 16 November 2019

The Automobile Association says the closure of the Mt Eden Train Station is a kick in the guts for commuters.

An artists impression of the new Mt Eden Station where the underground rail tunnels will connect to the western line.

An artist's impression of the new Mt Eden Station where the underground rail tunnels will connect to the western line. Photo: AUCKLAND TRANSPORT

Yesterday it was announced the station would close for about four years to allow for work on the City Rail Link.

More than 200 people an hour get off at Mt Eden Station at peak time and they will now be forced to travel to neighbouring suburbs to commute into the CBD.

Barney Irvine from the AA said everyone understood there would be disruption, with major projects like the CRL.

But he said those in charge had not been fair to commuters.

"This has been the plan all along and the public's only finding out about it now.

"We're going to see a lot more of this sort of disruption right across our transport network, our roads, our rail system and our footpaths in the next few years and Auckland Transport is going to have to do a better job of managing its work programme."

Mr Irvine said that included telling the public about future plans.