Te Ao Māori

Claim two Maori political parties in Parliament unsustainable

06:59 am on 18 November 2011

A professor of indigenous studies says there isn't room for two Maori political parties in Parliament.

Both the Mana and Maori parties have policy they say is based on Maori values and both have been campaigning for the Maori vote.

Auckland University of Technology professor Rawiri Taonui says Maoridom doesn't have the resources to support two parties.

He says in the 2014 or 2017 election one of the parties will emerge as more dominant than the other and one might cease to exist.

Dr Taonui says the Maori Party has left itself vulnerable by announcing its current co-leaders will retire and putting young people higher up on its party list.

He says that tactic could backfire in years to come if voters see the candidates as less experienced.