
Ardern factor pushes Labour up nine points in new poll

20:36 pm on 9 August 2017

The first major poll since Jacinda Ardern took over as Labour leader has the party up nine points to 33 percent.

Labour leader Jacinda Ardern has sparked a big lift in Labour's poll results. Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King

The Newshub Reid Research poll was taken during the week after she replaced Andrew Little as leader.

It had National down slightly to 44 percent - the lowest it's registered in this poll in the past 10 years.

The rise of Labour came at the expense of New Zealand First and the Greens.

New Zealand First was down more than three points to nine percent, with the Greens down more than four points to eight percent.

In the preferred Prime Minister stakes, Bill English was up slightly to 27.7 percent, but Ms Ardern was up more than 17 percent to 26.3 percent.

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters was down slightly on 10 percent.

The poll surveyed a 1000 people, and had a margin of error of 3.1 percent.

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