
Bushfires: national day of mourning

11:50 am on 22 February 2009

A national day of mourning is to be held in Australia on Sunday for the victims of the bushfires in Victoria.

A memorial service is to be held in Melbourne at the Rod Laver Arena. Hundreds of survivors will be there.

Organisers expect up to 50,000 people to attend the main ceremony.

Another 50,000 are expected to watch on giant screens at five other locations in Melbourne.

The service will be broadcast nationally on radio and television.

Princess Anne will represent the royal family. Also attending will be Governor-General Quentin Bryce and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

The New Zealand High Commissioner to Australia and New Zealand's consul-general in Melbourne will attend.

The ceremony is officially known as the national day of mourning, together for Victoria.

At least 209 people are known to have died in the fires on 7 February: mostly in towns and villages northeast of Melbourne.

Four fires continue to burn out of control. Hotter conditions are forecast for Monday.

The service begins at 11am (AEDT) with the ringing of the Federation Bells in Birrarung Marr, followed by an address by Victorian Premier John Brumby.

It will last 90 minutes and finish with a minute's silence and a message from the prime minister.