The Wireless

UF supports National for third term

14:19 pm on 29 September 2014

The United Future Party has agreed to support a National-led Government for the third consecutive term.

Under the deal announced today United Future’s leader and only MP Peter Dunne will be appointed Minister of Internal Affairs, Associate Minister of Health and Associate Minister of Conservation.

Mr Dunne will be a minister outside Cabinet, as he has been in the previous two National-led governments.

National has also agreed to work with United Future on a number of the minor party’s policy priorities.

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The ACT Party has agreed to support the National-led Government, with sole MP David Seymour being appointed a parliamentary under-secretary.

Under the deal, Mr Seymour will be under-secretary to the Minister of Education and the Minister for Regulatory Reform.

He will also be a member of Parliament's finance and expenditure select committee and sit on the cabinet appointments and honours committee.

The two parties have agreed to work together to expand the trial of partnership schools, cut regulations and reform the Resource Management Act to make it easier for development.