Pacific / Papua New Guinea

UNITECH students resuming study in Papua New Guinea

10:07 am on 23 June 2016
UPNG students gather on campus.

UPNG students gather on campus. Photo: UPNG4PNG

The vice-chancellor of the University of Technology in Papua New Guinea says he's confident the majority of his students will return to class this week.

Students across PNG have been boycotting lectures since the beginning of May while demanding the Prime Minister step down to face fraud allegations.

Vice-chancellor, Dr Albert Schram, said UNITECH's female students were leading the return to study.

"The female students all met yesterday and they decided all to go to classes. So that is a very, very positive development. And 40 percent of our student population is female so we have that group already onboard."

Albert Schram estimated the six week boycott had cost UNITECH about $US1.2 million which the university will try to absorb if the government does not provide additional funding.