Country / Rural

Sheep art in drought area 'something to smile about'

11:11 am on 19 May 2020

A farming family near Dannevirke having to put out extra feed for stock during the drought are using the opportunity create sheep art.

Armed with a camera, a quad bike and feed, Garth Coleman and daughter Lucy strategically place feed on the ground, creating striking patterns as their sheep munch away.

"As a result of the lack of grass due to the drought, we've had to put our animals on supplementary feed to ensure they are healthy and happy, Lucy Coleman said.

"One day I was out on the farm and saw Dad had 'drawn' the word 'Hi' into the side of the hill and it all went from there really.

A farming family near Dannevirke who are having to put out extra feed for stock to drought are using the opportunity create sheep art.

Photo: Instagram / @lucycoleman03

"There is no doubt the last few months have been challenging, but you get through it all with a bit of fun like this, giving people something to smile about."

Coleman, who is completing her PhD in animal science, said while not all the sheep art attempts had been successful, some of their best work, including a kiwi and a smiley face, were proudly displayed on her social media.

In celebration of National Lamb Day on 24 May, Beef and Lamb New Zealand are calling other farmers to create their own sheep art.