New head of SIS named

14:45 pm on 12 November 2013

The public servant who wrote the so-called Kitteridge report on the electronic spy agency, the GCSB, has been named as the new head of the Security Intelligence Service.

Rebecca Kitteridge.

Rebecca Kitteridge. Photo: OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER

Senior public servant Rebecca Kitteridge, at present Secretary of the Cabinet, has been appointed as the new head of the Security Intelligence Service.

Ms Kitteridge will replace Warren Tucker as the Director of Security at the SIS when he retires next year.

Last year, Ms Kitteridge conducted a high-profile review of the Government Communications Security Bureau, prompted by the Kim Dotcom case, which looked at whether the bureau had been acting within the law.

Her findings, known as the Kitteridge report, were leaked to the media which in turn sparked another investigation into the leak.

Prime Minister John Key says her strong focus on improving systems while ensuring safeguards are in place will be an asset in the role.