New Zealand

Couple reach settlement with Southern Response over quake damage

15:09 pm on 15 October 2021

A Christchurch couple in a long running dispute over insurance payment for their earthquake damaged home have reached an out of court settlement with Southern Response.

Southern Response claimants Colleen and Brendan Ross

(File image) Colleen and Brendan Ross Photo: Supplied

A lawyer for the couple confirmed that Brendan and Colleen Ross, lead claimants in the class action, have reached a settlement and have sought approval by the High Court.

The couple's class action was brought on behalf of former AMI Insurance/Southern Response policyholders who settled their Christchurch claims prior to 1 October 2014.

It was alleged that Southern Response misled policyholders into settling their claims for less than their full entitlements under their insurance policies.

About 3000 policy holders with compensation claims averaging $100,000 are covered by the representative action, with an estimated $300 million cost for the government.

The Rosses' lawyer Grant Cameron says the couple are "absolutely thrilled" the 3000 affected policy-holders are now all eligible for compensation.