
ABC getting $A90m govt loan

09:05 am on 3 May 2013

The ABC is getting $A90 million from the federal government to build a new headquarters in Melbourne, but the state broadcasting company will have to repay the money.

The headquarters will provide a new base for radio, television and online services.

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said $A90 million will be loaned to the ABC to construct a purpose-built facility that will consolidate operations at three sites in Melbourne into one, bringing operational savings.

"It will ensure the ABC can continue to deliver high-quality broadcast content across a broad range of platforms," Senator Conroy said when he announced the loan on Thursday.

He said the loan would enable the ABC to meet most of the construction and fit-out costs.

The ABC would fund the remainder from existing resources and will be required to repay the loan by 2020/21.