Election 2008

NZ First MP joins fray in Rimutaka

15:53 pm on 9 October 2008

With the Rimutaka MP, Labour's Paul Swain, stepping down at the election, the fight is on for his electorate seat, north of Wellington.

National believes it can pull in the votes to win but New Zealand First has now entered the race, putting up its MP Ron Mark.

New Zealand First is currently polling under 5%, and on that basis would need to win a seat if it is to return to Parliament.

Mr Swain won the electorate by more than 8,000 votes in 2005. This year Chris Hipkins is standing for Labour.

The National Party candidate is Richard Whiteside, the Greens are represented by Lynette Vigrass and John Maurice is standing for the Progressive Party.

Kate Williamson takes a look at the battle for Rimutaka