
New French Polynesin party starts campaiging

13:26 pm on 20 December 2004

One of French Polynesia's new parties, Te Avei'a, has launched its campaign ahead of the by-election called for February 13th.

The party's leader, Antonio Perez, says his party stands for autonomy, which means that making changes to links with France is non-negotiable.

Mr Perez, who was elected to the assembly in 2001 as a member of the pro-autonomy Fetia Api, says the Fetia Api leader, Philip Schyle, as well as his election ally, Nicole Bouteau, as false autonomists.

According to a report of the Tahitipresse news agency, he has declined to say whether he is considering linking up with Gaston Flosse's party which has been returned to power after the French supreme court approved the ousting of the Oscar Temaru's coalition and the subsequent election of Mr Flosse.

The Te Avei'a party is expected to present its electoral list within ten days.