The Wireless

Chilean family seeks refuge in church

08:49 am on 19 February 2015

A Chilean family has sought refuge in a Christchurch church to try to avoid deportation by Immigration New Zealand, Radio New Zealand reports.

Mauricio Ravet and daughter Kate.

Mauricio Ravet and daughter Kate. Photo: RNZ / Conan Young.

Mauricio Ravet said he took his wife and two daughters to the church to avoid being arrested and put on the next flight to Chile.

“At this moment, the police and immigration are chasing me. They went to my home twice and the second time they spoke with my son and they said to my son if I don't make any arrangements to leave the country, they will put my wife in jail and they will send my two daughters to care.”

The family's work permits have expired but they argue they should be allowed to stay, particularly for the sake of their nine-year-old daughter who was born here and is now a citizen.

Mauricio Ravet said he had contributed a lot to the country during 11 years in New Zealand, including setting up a painting business and employing four people, and that his daughter Kate would struggle in Chile.

“We haven't got any security for her in my country because she is not a Chilean. She's a New Zealander so she can't get a public education, health care and all that stuff.”

The family's immigration consultant, Tuariki Delamere, said a Supreme Court decision in 2009 stated the family should be allowed to stay for the sake of their daughter. But the Immigration Act was subsequently amended to allow the parents of New Zealand citizen children to be deported.

Delamere said he didn't know how much time the family may have bought themselves by seeking refuge in a church.

The Ravets have written to Prime Minister John Key and the Immigration Minister Michael Woodhouse asking for them to intervene.