New Zealand / Covid 19

Covid-19: How day two of lockdown in NZ unfolded

19:34 pm on 19 August 2021

Day two of the latest national lockdown saw more arrests and rising case numbers, but health officials have also come closer to discovering the source of the latest outbreak. See how the day unfolded with RNZ's live blog.

The police line up at an anti-lockdown protest in Christchurch.

The police line up at an anti-lockdown protest in Christchurch. Photo: Screenshot

Three people were arrested in Christchurch today after police were called to an anti-lockdown protest, and two people were arrested in the Far North for refusing to wear masks.

Police Commissioner Andrew Coster said officers in Christchurch arrested three people after a group of 10 people gathered on the Bridge of Remembrance on Cashel Street at about 1pm.

"Police engaged and encouraged the protestors to comply with Alert Level 4 restrictions, however, three were taken into custody when they refused to do so."

Two men, aged 46 and 50, and a woman, aged 56, have been charged with failing to comply with Covid lockdown rules and will appear in the Christchurch District Court tomorrow.

Meanwhile the current Delta variant outbreak in this country has been linked to a traveller who arrived from New South Wales and was taken to Middlemore Hospital earlier this week. It comes as the Ministry of Health confirms there have now been 21 community cases this week.

Cabinet will meet tomorrow at 1pm and there will be a 3pm presser where Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will advise on the next steps for alert levels.

New Zealand went in to lockdown at 11.59pm on Tuesday. Auckland and Coromandel were set for lockdown for seven days, while the rest of the country was put into lockdown for three days - due to finish tomorrow night.

See how the day unfolded with RNZ's live blog:

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This is an official COVID-19 ALERT.

All of New Zealand is now at Covid-19 alert level 4.

The alert level will be reviewed after 3 days for all areas EXCEPT Auckland & Coromandel Peninsula which is likely to remain at level 4 for an initial period of 7 days.

A community case of Covid-19 has been identified.

Stay at home where possible & follow the Alert Level 4 guidelines. This will stop the spread of COVID-19 and SAVE LIVES.

Everyone is asked to:

Wear a mask and keep a 2 metre distance from others whenever you leave your home.

If you are sick, call your doctor or Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice about getting tested.

Keep on scanning QR codes whenever you leave your home.

Practice good hygiene - wash hands often.

Services including supermarkets, pharmacies, clinics & petrol stations will stay open at Alert Level 4. Face coverings are mandatory for all people - both employees and customers - at businesses and services operating at Alert Level 4 involving customer contact.

For more information on Alert Level 4 go to [the government website]


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Kia Kaha - Stay Strong