
Flystrike control method has 'promising results' - researcher

11:53 am on 1 July 2022

Australian researchers are optimistic a new control method could help protect sheep against deadly flystrike.

The weekly sheep sale at Gisborne's Matawhero Stockyards

Photo: Phil Smith

Flystrike is caused when blowflies lay their eggs on sheep and rapidly growing maggots eat the living flesh of the sheep, poisoning them through their secretions.

University of Queensland research fellow Dr Peter James said the use of silica nanocapsules - microscopic balls with surface spikes - could be the answer.

Combined with normal treatments for flystrike they released the chemicals more slowly, meaning sheep were protected for longer.

"We've had very promising results during testing with the slow-release formulations giving extended periods of protection in comparisons with more conventional formulations.

"Historically, chemical pesticides have been delivered in relatively large doses to achieve extended protection, but in slow-release formulas doses can be smaller.

"By using nanocapsules, the chemical can either be delivered at steady levels over a prolonged period or designed to release only when needed."

Materials scientist Professor Michael Yu said The University of Queensland had patented the silica nanoparticles that feature a hollow cavity and a porous silica shell.

"We've tested a number of designs, but the most promising is a nanoparticle that has whisker-like spikes which cover the outer surface," Professor Yu said.

"These spikes help the capsules 'stick' to either the fleece fibres or to the blowflies."

Dr Peter James said the technology has so far only been tested in the lab but the next stage of the research will be to move the study out of the laboratory and test the technology in the field, he said.