
Solomons constitutional review process stalled as funding dries up

21:10 pm on 8 December 2009

The constitutional review in the provinces of the Solomon Islands has been put on hold because the government can't afford to fund it's completion this year.

The permanent secretary for Constitutional Review in the Solomon Islands Dr Frederick Rohorua says it had been hoped the project would be finished last month, but it's now not expected to be completed until next November.

He says they are hoping to have the project back up and running by January.

"It's still a government priority and it is still a desire of the people of Solomon Islands and we will pursue that in 2010. We have already put in our submissions for the budget for next year and that has gone through the process and I think it's before parliament now so we're hoping that we will continue with the work in 2010."

Dr Frederick Rohorua says people will just have to be patient due to the current financial climate.

He also says there are debt arrears in Temotu province, but this cannot be sorted out until the budget for the review team has been approved.