Country / Rural

Cow airlifted to safety after getting stuck in milking platform

06:53 am on 5 August 2021

A Canterbury cow had an interesting Wednesday after it got stuck in the middle of a milking platform and had to be airlifted to safety.

Fire and Emergency crews from Dunsandel and Burnham were called to assist a farmer and vet after a cow got stuck in the middle of a milking platform and had to be airlifted to safety.

Photo: Supplied / Fire and Emergency

Fire and Emergency crews from Dunsandel and Burnham were called to assist a farmer and vet yesterday after the cow found itself in the centre of the milking platform.

In order to rescue the cow crews removed iron sheeting from the shed roof, the sedated cow was then airlifted out by a crane to a paddock.

Fire and Emergency said the cow was now resting up while she recovered from her little adventure. "We hope she is up and moooooving about soon."

Fire and Emergency crews from Dunsandel and Burnham were called to assist a farmer and vet after a cow got stuck in the middle of a milking platform and had to be airlifted to safety.

Photo: Supplied / Fire and Emergency

Fire and Emergency crews from Dunsandel and Burnham were called to assist a farmer and vet after a cow got stuck in the middle of a milking platform and had to be airlifted to safety.

Photo: Supplied / Fire and Emergency

Photo: Supplied / Fire and Emergency

Photo: Supplied / Fire and Emergency

Photo: Supplied / Fire and Emergency