A Bay of Plenty iwi is urging the Government to seriously consider the findings of a soon-to-be-released Waitangi Tribunal report on water, as it would otherwise have been a waste of time and money.
The tribunal is due to release a short version of the report before the end of the month, and its full document in September.
The judicial body launched an inquiry on 9 July, the same day Prime Minister John Key said the tribunal's findings are not binding on the Government.
Mr Key's opinion still raises concern and disappointment for a delegate on the Bay of Plenty's Rangitaiki River Forum, Maramena Vercoe.
Ms Vercoe, who represents Ngati Manawa on the forum, says the Government should make good use of the tribunal's services.
She says if the Waitangi Tribunal's recommendations are ignored it would raise the question of why so much money has been spent on the process.