New Zealand

Mike Hosking's ponytail comments ruled unfair

17:36 pm on 30 September 2015

Complaints against Seven Sharp presenter Mike Hosking over remarks he made about the PM's ponytail-pulling incident have been partially upheld by the Broadcasting Standards Authority

Mike Hosking

Mike Hosking Photo: TVNZ

At the end of an episode in April this year, Hosking talked about the ponytail-pulling incident involving the Prime Minister and an Auckland cafe waitress.

He told the audience the woman's motivation for speaking out was "selfish" and "a puffed-up self-involved pile of political bollocks".

Four people laid a complaint saying the comments were unfair, biased and inaccurate.

The BSA upheld the complaints about fairness, but not those of controversial Issues, accuracy, discrimination and denigration.

It did not order any action be taken.

The BSA's full decision can be found here.