
More Pakeha players tipped as a result of league's restructuring

18:41 pm on 16 February 2009

The New Zealand Rugby League chairman Ray Haffenden says better structures and competitions as well as getting former greats involved will help increase participation among Pakeha children.

The game's governing body has agreed to implement a SPARC report which has recommended a new governance structure for the cash-strapped code.

Over 450-thousand dollars of interim funding until October depends on the adoption of the recommendations and SPARC's looking at extra funding after that.

And Haffenden says widening the player base beyond the current Maori and Pacific Island dominance is one aspect that should flow on from the restructuring....

The NZRL chairman Ray Haffenden says he will resign after a Special General Meeting next month along with the rest of the NZRL board but he wants to be involved beyond March and continue to put his 55 years in the game to use.