
Urewera veto will deter other tribes from negotiating - Treaty consultant

09:13 am on 17 May 2010

A Treaty consultant warns that other iwi will be deterred from attempting to negotiate Treaty settlements with the current Government after Prime Minister John Key vetoed part of the Tuhoe settlement last week.

Mr Key ruled out returning title to Te Urewera National Park to the iwi, casting doubt on whether an agreement can be reached after 18 months of negotiation.

Treaty consultant Willie Te Aho says his Ngati Ranginui iwi face similar issues, where they will be asking the Crown to return land confiscated in breach of the Treaty of Waitangi.

He told Waatea News it's about "waiting" and "the politics of the time".

"Although we want just and durable settlements, we've waited more than 150 years.

"Governments come and go and if it means waiting again, then so be it," he said.