New Zealand

Youth jobless rate continues to rise

08:20 am on 5 August 2011

The Government's record on youth unemployment is again under scrutiny after the release of new figures showing the problem is getting worse.

Official jobs data shows the unemployment rate for those aged 15 to 19 has risen in each of the past three quarters, and is close to 28%.

According to the BNZ, the youth unemployment rate is now nearly double that seen during the recession of the early 1990s even though the unemployment rate for the workforce as a whole is much lower than at that time.

Youth union Stand Up says more advice on skills training for school-leavers would help.

The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs, which recommended that policy to the Government last August, says it has yet to get a response.

Business New Zealand backs the policy but says earlier-stage careers advice is also needed to cut down on the school drop-out rate.