New Zealand / Natural Disasters

Dunedin and Otago residents lodge more than 1000 claims for flood damage

13:11 pm on 17 October 2024

Dunedin saw heavy downpours in early October, causing flooding in some streets. Photo: RNZ / Nathan McKinnon

Around 1000 claims for flood damage in Dunedin and Otago have been lodged with the Insurance Council, following the deluge in October.

The rain caused widespread flooding and slips, with some residents having to evacuate in the middle of the night.

Almost 50 properties have been red or yellow stickered in Dunedin as a result, leaving some residents struggling to find longer-term accommodation.

The Insurance Council said while claims were currently around the 1000 mark "that may change as people assess the impact of the event on their home, contents and vehicles".

'Temporary Accommodation Service activated'

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's (MBIE) Temporary Accommodation Service (TAS) was activated on Thursday to support households displaced by the flooding.

The service would be working with local authorities to understand how many people had been displaced and had homes that needed to be repaired or rebuilt.

TAS response controller Al Bruce said it was now accepting registrations from displaced residents who needed assistance with finding temporary accommodation.

"If you are staying in accommodation provided by Civil Defence or with friends or whānau and need a longer-term, temporary accommodation solution while your home is being repaired, we can help.

"The TAS team will work with every household to establish their needs and connect them with available accommodation," he said.

Although TAS was not a free service - there was a cost for all temporary accommodation options - both TAS and the household would contribute to this cost, called a part-payment.

The ministry makes a distinction between temporary accommodation and shelters or emergency accommodation, which are provided for a short period by Civil Defence and emergency management agencies.

People are encouraged to [ register via the TAS website] or phone 0508 754 163.