
Samoa government bans commercial logging

04:43 am on 12 January 2007

Commercial logging of remaining native forests in Samoa is banned.

The Ministry of Natural resources and environment in a public notice has reminded local logging companies that the ban came into force on the first day of this month.

Last year in November the president of the Lands and Titles court issued an interim injunction on the Minister of Justice, Unasa Mesi Galo, forcing his company to stop commercial logging.

The injunction was issued after matais of a village on the island of Savaii lodged a complaint to the court claiming that the minister's business was operated on disputed land belonging to the village.

The Prime Minister, Tuila'epa Sa'ilele Malielegaoi, says no one is above the law, but he says there are some provisions of the law which might allow logging companies to continue their operations.