Pacific / West Papua

West Papuan claims Australia deported him to PNG

09:15 am on 23 February 2017

A West Papuan English teacher, who escaped persecution to an Australian island in the Torres Strait, claims he was deported to Papua New Guinea's capital, Port Moresby.

The man, who wants to keep his identity a secret, said he fled the West Papuan regency of Merauke, where he was trying to help a group of Papua New Guineans detained by Indonesian police.

In 2006, Indonesia withdrew its ambassador from Australia after it refused to extradite a group of West Papuan asylum seekers.

The man said Australian authorities agreed to deport him to PNG.

"I said to them I don't want to go back. Not only is my life in danger, but my friends, my family. Everyone close to me is in danger. If they found out me everyone will be in danger," he said.

The man said he was currently in a refugee camp in Port Moresby where he was waiting for PNG authorities to determine his refugee status.