
Industrial showdown more likely at Fiji's Nadi airport

17:24 pm on 3 June 2002

The Fiji Public Servants Association has warned that it's ready for a showdown with the state-owned Airports Fiji Limited at Nadi International Airport over its refusal to recognise the association.

The Fiji Sun reports the warning has been issued as the FPSA says the company is victimising its members despite a High Court order to stop it from doing so.

The association general secretary, Rajeshwar Sing, says AFL chief executive Jone Koroitamana's discriminatory and vindictive actions and blatant disregard of basic human right can no longer be disregraded

Mr Singh has cited five recent examples of discrimination against FPSA members who he says have been treated unfairly compared with staff who have signed individual contracts and belong to an in-house union.

These include the sacking of two members and making another one redundant for refusing to sign individual contracts.

Mr Singh says while the association has had some dialogue with ministers to resolve the dispute, Mr Koroitamana continues with his actions unabated.

Fiji's NGO Coalition for Human Rights has also called for the dismissal of Mr Koroitamana.