Te Ao Māori

Takatāpui not fully accepted - academic

07:43 am on 19 November 2014

A long-time takatāpui rights activist and academic says queer Maori have a long way to go before being fully accepted.

Ngahuia Te Awekotuku

Ngahuia Te Awekotuku Photo: Government House

Takatāpui describes an intimate partner of the same sex, and encompasses all tāngata whenua who do not conform to traditional sex and gender roles.

Ngahuia Te Awekotuku has been researching takatapui people for over 40 years and was a founding member of the Aotearoa Gay Liberation movement.

She said while things have improved with homosexual reform and same-sex marriage, the changes are largely cosmetic and there are still underlying issues of homophobia for takatāpui.

Ms Te Awekotuku said queer Maori in the working class face condemnation at a higher rate.

Takatāpui have always been a part of Maori culture, based on their appearance in historic art and literature, she said.