New Zealand / Crime

Police crack down on street racers in Hawke's Bay

16:34 pm on 19 June 2022

Hawke's Bay police impounded several vehicles in a crackdown on illegal street racing overnight.


Police said they targeted illegal street racing and anti-social behaviour at a number of gatherings across Hawke's Bay.

Six vehicles were impounded, three people were processed for excess breath-alcohol, and numerous vehicles were ordered off the road for being defective or unsafe.

Police are now working to identify additional offending vehicles and drivers.

"I hope it gets the message across that anti-social road user behaviour won't be tolerated and that police will thoroughly investigate offences and take enforcement action," Senior Sergeant Craig Ellison said in a statement.

"The public don't always see us doing this work, but we invest heavily in holding drivers to account when the evidence is available."

Ellison said he hopes the operation sends a clear message to both those involved in illegal street racing and to the public.

"If you're going to use your vehicle to put the safety of others at risk or cause damage to our roads then police will step in and take your vehicle from you.

"The aim is to disrupt and deter those committing these offences, and ensure our roads are safe for every member of the community using them."

If locals have any information, video or photographs of incidents that could assist police in identifying those involved please ring 105 and quote event number P050959200.

People can also report crimes anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.