New Zealand / Regional

Travellers still stranded on Central Otago road

00:03 am on 23 May 2016

Police and search and rescue crews are still deciding how to reach a group of 34 people stranded on a remote Central Otago road.

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Photo: 123rf

Poor weather and vehicle break downs have left the group which includes young children stranded in 13 vehicles on the Waikaia Bush Road above Piano Flat near Roxburgh.

Police say they were alerted that the group was in trouble shortly before 6pm today.

The group have warm clothes, food and shelter in their vehicles, but police are worried about several young children.

The 36 motorists are trapped on an isolated road off State Highway 8.

The 36 motorists are trapped on an isolated road off State Highway 8. Photo: Google Maps

Police urged people to check for weather warnings before going on back-country adventure trips.

Meanwhile, the Crown Range Road, between Wanaka and Queenstown, has been closed due to heavy snow, and after several vehicles became stuck.