
Anaphylaxis: Life threatening allergies

22:24 pm on 14 March 2022


Health Authorities have been asked to apologise to the family of a man who died from anaphylaxis after being treated for an injury with medication he was allergic to. In 2019 the man was taken to Hutt Valley DHB by ambulance with a suspected allergic reaction. He was discharged with a 'possible allergy' to a particular antibiotic but the information was not recorded on a database - and it's not known whether he was told about the allergy. A few weeks later while on holiday he visited another DHB where he was given the same drug, and he died of anaphylactic shock shortly afterwards. A report released today, found Hutt Valley DHB had inadequate systems to ensure the allergy was recorded on the National Medical Warning System. Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction. Mark Dixon, CEO of Allergy New Zealand explains the severity of anaphylaxis to Karyn Hay.

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Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images / AFP