Pacific / Fiji

Fiji govt stresses heart disease threat

13:13 pm on 19 June 2018

While recent headlines in Fiji have focussed on the high diabetes rates in country, the Ministry of Health is stressing that the threat from cardiovascular disease is even greater.

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Photo: RNZ Pacific

It said cardiovascular disease was more likely to develop in people who smoke, had an unhealthy diet, were not physically active and/or misused alcohol.

A person became more at-risk of cardiovascular disease when they had elevated blood pressure, elevated blood sugar and/or were overweight or obese, the ministry said.

Prevention was critical for cutting the death rates from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and the risk of developing NCDs can be lowered by Fijians making healthy choices to exercise and eat well, it said.

The ministry, supported by development partners such as the World Health Organisation, is focussing on early identification of those Fijians at risk with all health facilities in Fiji offering free screening services for NCDs.