
Spat within Vanuatu party could mar its election chances

10:54 am on 29 June 2004

Vanuatu's ruling Vanuaaku party could be heading for defeat in next week's election after falling out with its coalition partner.

The National United Party has now refused to campaign with the Vanuaaku Party.

Our correspondent says the NUP appears to be positioning itself to form a government with the opposition Union of Moderate Parties, which has been gaining ground with its election platform of bigger government and improved services.

Kal Moli says an appeal by the head of the Vanuaaku party has not stopped bickering between the two coalition partners, and they're losing support with the public.

"It looks as if the call has been made so late, and has been made amid counter legal claims, and I don't think it's hitting either side of the party at the moment."