New Zealand

Life jacket library opens in Gisborne

18:18 pm on 18 December 2019

A life jacket library is opening in Gisborne to make sure everyone stays safe on the water this summer.

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Photo: Photo / 123RF

The idea is that people can pick up a life jacket and drop it back when they're done.

One kiosk is already running at the council customer services, with others being installed at the inner harbour, Tatapouri, Tolaga Bay, Tokomaru Bay, Waipiro Bay, Tikitiki, Te Araroa, Hicks Bay and Lottin Point.

Four children's and six adult-sized lifejackets will be available for short-term loan at each kiosk for people to use for activities like rock fishing, recreational boating, kayaking and stand up paddle-boarding.

A survey showed 52 percent of adults and 67 percent of children were reported to wear a life jacket every time they went boating.

Gisborne harbour master Sonny Ali, who is establishing the kisosks along the coast, said New Zealand had one of the highest drowning rates in the OECD.

"The idea is to reduce the chances of preventable drownings within coastal communities," Ali told Morning Report.

"By eliminating one of the barriers to using a lifejacket, which is their availability, hopefully it will reduce some of the temptations for people to go out in the water without being safe."

"The idea is just like a lending library for books" - Sonny Ali, Gisborne harbour master

All that needs to be done to borrow a life jacket from one of the kiosks is for the person to fill out a contact form.

Hutchwilco gave a discount on the life jackets, which were brought with a grant from Martitime NZ.

Ali said they wanted to start with new life jackets rather than accept donated ones that might not be in a suitable condition.

The plan is to have local community centres, like fishing clubs and surf life saving clubs, host the kiosks which will also provide water safety information and the Safer Boating Code.